digging for new septic system

A septic tank is a vital part of your home plumbing and sewage system.

Whether it is constructed from concrete or plastic, you will need to make sure that your septic tank efficiently collects the sewage and wastewater from the household. Why? Because septic tanks are not built to hold an infinite amount of sewage and wastewater.

Here at D&L Environmental, we specialize in septic tank cleaning in Kelowna and throughout the Okanagan. But how do you know when it’s time to call us? Here is some information that can help you learn when is the right time for septic cleaning.

Why Septic Cleaning In The First Place

septic leach field in yard near houseMaintaining your septic tank is an essential task as a homeowner or property manager in the Okanagan.

Even if there are no signs of any trouble with it, you should never forget to maintain your septic tank regularly. This is crucial as the efficiency of a septic tank declines over time. And neglecting it can result in significant problems & health hazards.

You see, when wastewater and sewage end up in your septic tank, the more massive particles and substances tend to drop down and settle at the bottom. The rest of the wastewater goes into your soil absorption system or drain field.

With every passing month, this sludge layer becomes thicker. Once it rises above the critical level, the substances and particles will make their way into the pipes of your soil absorption system and clog them.

The final stage is you opening a window or getting outside of the house to smell that unsanitary water that made it back to the surface.

Septic Tank Cleaning Tell-tale Signs

visual rendering of septic systemThere are some tell-tale signs your septic tank needs attention that you can’t practically miss.

The most common one is water pooling around the drain field. This indicates that the tank is full and it needs service.

The next sign is foul odors. Before the waste substances and particles clog the pipes of your drain field, you can feel the odor right above your septic tank. If you don’t get it serviced at that point, you will start smelling the foul odors above your drain field, as well.

Other tell-tale signs include:

  • Slow drains
  • Sewage backup
  • The grass around the drain field is considerably greener and lusher than the grass in other areas

That’s why it is important to stay ahead of things when it comes to septic tank maintenance.

How Often to Clean a Septic Tank

septic tank componentsThe rule of thumb says that you should get your septic tank cleaned every 3 to 5 years. But, honestly, it all depends on your water usage and how many people live in your house. Large households have to call septic tank services more often than smaller ones.

This is definitely one of those times when it’s far better to err on the side of caution. You can imagine what could happen – and how it would feel and smell – by putting off septic tank cleaning and proper septic tank maintenance.

D&L Environmental septic tank services are now available in Kelowna. If you are not sure about what your next step should be, feel free to get in touch, and we will help you keep your septic tank serviced at all times.